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Want To Confidently Sell Your Offer Online But Don't Quite Know What To Say On Your Sales Pages? Craft Happily Profitable Sales Pages At Record Speed Using Over 100 Done-For-You Sales Page Templates...

The Sales Page Backpack equips you with the sales page structural blueprints + over 100 proven sales copy templates + the profitable sales page training that you'll need to craft high-converting sales pages without spending weeks of your life editing with ZERO help... or tens of thousands on a copywriter.

... These templates, blueprints, and training videos are based on 4 years of personal experience writing sales pages, analyzing hundreds of million-dollar sales pages, reading psychology papers, and years of learning from the best copywriting books ever written since the beginning of advertising...

In The Sales Page Backpack, you will get access to everything you need to write high-converting sales pages for years to come... for just $197. Hop on now before I increase the price yet again!


Finally write high-converting sales pages sweat-free... at record speed. 🚀 

Want To Confidently Sell Your Offer Online But Don't Quite Know What To Say On Your Sales Pages? Craft Happily Profitable Sales Pages At Record Speed Using Over 100 Done-For-You Sales Page Templates...

The Sales Page Backpack equips you with the sales page structural blueprints + over 100 proven sales copy templates + the profitable sales page training that you'll need to craft high-converting sales pages without spending weeks of your life editing with ZERO help... or tens of thousands on a copywriter.

... These templates, blueprints, and training videos are based on 4 years of personal experience writing sales pages, analyzing hundreds of million-dollar sales pages, reading psychology papers, and years of learning from the best copywriting books ever written since the beginning of advertising...


In The Sales Page Backpack, you will get access to everything you need to write high-converting sales pages for years to come... for just $197. Hop on now before I increase the price yet again!

Finally write high-converting sales pages sweat-free... at record speed. 🚀 

Almost all million-dollar products and services sold by online entrepreneurs have one KEY thing in common - a great sales page with amazing copy.

Writing a sales page that sells takes time. A ton of precious time. Most online entrepreneurs spend weeks tearing their hair out, only to finally emerge with a mediocre sales page that doesn't persuade, let alone sell.

Others spend tens of thousands of dollars on copywriters who charge what they are worth - i.e. very high prices... and these copywriters charge you even more when you want revisions.

A handful have pages that don't even qualify as a sales page, choosing instead to display a page full of bland product / service descriptors. You might as well be picking up a stick and chasing potential buyers away by doing this!

Whether your sales page is trying to get people to ...

Buy your ebook / online course...

Pay for your services...

Book a free call...

​Buy your products...

Writing a good sales page is key to your online success, and The Sales Page Backpack will help you to write a high-converting sales page using proven templates.... in as little as half the time you'll usually spend!

(yes, you heard that right)

What If... There's A Faster & More Effective Way To Write Your Sales Pages? *Gasp*

Shortcut #1: No More "Winging It" Without A Proven Plan.

After analyzing hundreds of million-dollar sales pages, it turns out that almost all of these successfully sales pages are structured in a very specific manner... There may be slight nuances, but the overarching elements & structure remains the same.

Instead of stuffing your sales page with a random hodgepodge of words because you don't have a clear plan of what to include in your sales pages...

You should start every sales page with the RIGHT and PROVEN structure already in your hand.  

This means that you should always follow a tried-and-tested sales page structure and incorporate the key sales page elements that have already worked for countless successful online entrepreneurs. 

Having a clear big picture of your sales page in mind before you even write a word ensures that your sales page is organized & you remain on the right track.


Remember: Nobody tries to scale Mount Everest without a detailed map, it's basically suicide. If you don't have the right blueprint BEFORE you start writing your sales page, your sales page will likely become a huge mess...

Shortcut #2: What Pro Copywriters Do That You Don't...

Instead of freezing up, suffering from writer's block, or wasting weeks waiting for the creative lightning bolt to strike... 

The key to writing highly profitable sales pages FAST (without triggering a mini panic attack) is to start and "cultivate" your very own sales page copy bank when you DO have the ideas & inspiration. 

For instance, if you need to write a headline, you dig into your "bank" of potential headline ideas, pick a great one, and change the script to fit your new offer. Done.

The importance of a copy bank is something that gurus don't often talk about - It saves you from a ton of mental frustration, gets your creative juices going, gives you something to start with when you have no "spark", and saves you a ton of time.

Nobody, at any given time, has 100, 50, 10, or even THREE ideas and phrases that they can tap on to sound exciting, compelling, original, AND hit the right emotional buttons. Having a sales page copy bank is KEY.

Shortcut #3: A Better Way To Learn How To Write Profitable Sales Pages...

Instead of spending thousands on copywriters and reading a ton of copywriting books, the education that'll actually help you accomplish quantum leaps in your copywriting proficiency are those that focus on REAL sales page problems and results ($$$).

The problem with copywriting articles / books / courses today is that there are so many copywriting principles recycled over and over & packaged in different forms, it overwhelms and confuses people

All copywriting & sales education you get should DIRECTLY link to KEY RESULTS that you want to achieve with your sales pages. 

You should be able to implement everything you learn and immediately make changes to your sales pages to improve conversions.

My U-Turn Relationship With Crafting Profitable Sales Pages Over The Years...

I have written many sales pages and the part that I hate most is actually right at the start.

You open a blank screen and you just wish that you have something to start with... Can you relate? 

I wished that I had a script bank or someone more experienced helping me out, telling me what to include & which phrases to use so that I can ignite excitement and sell my products & services.

Being a recovering perfectionist, I struggled to find the right words because we can't all be creative word geniuses all the time. 

At times, I felt that the words that I put out onto paper sounded different from the picture that I actually had in mind...

The sales page writing process is arduous enough - you have to edit and edit and edit and edit (sounds familiar?)... Don't try to do it alone with zero help! 

Well, that was years ago. Things are so much better now because I created all the necessary scripts and systems I needed so that I could write profitable sales pages as quickly as possible...

It takes years to master how to write sales pages that convert like gangbusters, so don't blame yourself when you can't write sales pages like a seasoned pro. 

I'm here to help you to shortcut the process. Significantly.

Introducing... The Sales Page Backpack!

The Sales Page Backpack is your 360° sales page BFF that helps you to craft wildly profitable sales pages... without needing to hire a copywriter OR spending years trying to be a pro copywriter when you're not one!

Say hi to your all-in-one sales page copywriting "right-hand man" that helps you to get a wildly profitable sales page done... in record time.

Here's What You'll Get Inside The Backpack!

Goodie #1: Get Proven Sales Page Structural Blueprints That Will Reveal How Your Sales Page Should Be Structured & How Each Section Should Be Written... So That It Can Convert & Sell Well.

*many more pages not shown

Having the right sales page structure in hand before you start crafting your sales page allows you to visualize your sales page with ease. You start you off with a crystal clear big picture. 

These blueprints are crafted from analyzing hundreds of million-dollar sales pages... turns out successful sales pages are mostly structured in a very specific manner! I lay it all out in these sales page blueprints.

This ensures that your sales page does not end up being a random hodgepodge of words... but one coherent sales page that works together to move people from being a curious browser to hot customer... from start to the end! 

Once you access the backpack, you will be able to get access to these proven sales page structural blueprints... (30+ pages each)

Digital Product Sales Page Blueprint
Service-Based Sales Page Blueprint
E-commerce Product Description Blueprint

More About These Sales Page Structural Blueprints... Each Contains 30+ Pages Of Power-Packed Sales Page Secrets...

  • Each Sales Page Structural Blueprint has labelled sections and explanations that tell you what are the sections you need, the SEQUENCE of how things should be ordered and WHY each section is there... 

  • Each blueprint is filled with relevant real-life sales page examples of successful online businesses making 6-figures to 8-figures annual revenue to show you that the structure being covered is WORKING right now!

  • As we go through the various sections & elements methodically, the blueprint will also cover the important copywriting techniques and best practices that you'll need to know about too!

  • ​I point you to the recommended templates you should use (that're available in the backpack), depending on which part of the sales page you are at.

  • ​Separate blueprints specially crafted for infoproducts, services, and physical products - this means that the examples, strategies and templates recommended will fit your specific offer type.

Goodie #2: Get Over 100 Sales Page Templates You Can Plug-And-Play As You Craft Your Sales Page. You're Essentially Getting Your Very Own Sales Page Copy Bank!

Now that you know what goes into a profitable sales page and how it should be structured... 

It's time to add the meat of your sales page in - the sales copy! 

The Sales Page Backpack functions as your personal sales page copy bank as well...

You no longer have to waste weeks of your staring at your computer screen, wondering what to write on your sales pages...

Because you now have a sales copy bank full of scripts that WORK that you can dig into on-demand. Inside the backpack, you get over 100 proven sales copy templates to swipe and use in your own sales pages. Finally, say goodbye to writer's block!   

Each template is accompanied by an explanation of the psychology and rationale behind why the script is written the way it is, and why it works! The psychology & strategy behind almost every single template here follow proven psychological frameworks and conversion best practices.

You Get Over 100 Proven Sales Page Copy Templates That Include...

31 Winning Sales Page Headline Templates... To immediately grab attention when prospects arrive.

6 Problem Agitation Templates... Show them how your offer will make their life better as people pay to solve problems.

5 "Stir Their Desire" Templates... Push the deep emotional buttons that you must hit to get the sale.

5 Introduce Your Offer Templates... Introduce your offer & what it can do in a clear and succinct manner.

5 "What Do They Get" Templates... Walk them through the "features" of your offer without boring them. 

5 "This is for... This is not for..." Scripts... Call out to your ideal customers and reassure them that your offer was created just for them.

6 Guiding Questions To Provide Your Customers... So that you can get quality testimonials on-demand.

5 Money-Back Guarantee Templates... To reverse the ever-present buying risk that may stop even your hottest prospects from purchasing.

10 FAQ Question & Answer Scripts... Don't just answer questions with no strategy, get your FAQ section to SELL for you too!

5 Ask For The Sale Scripts... Don't fumble when asking for the sale. Let's ASK for the sale confidently and strategically!

10 Ideas & Scripts For Your Bonuses... Create the right bonuses and position them correctly to help you to sell even MORE.

5 "Secret Sauce" Templates... That you can use to differentiate your offer and stand out from the crowd.

A List of 10 Urgency Triggers... Access a list of all the different ways you can build urgency and motivate your prospects to buy NOW.

2 Sales Page About Me Templates... To establish expert status and build trust. Great about me sections are not really about you.

5 Closing Templates To End Your Sales Page Strong... Convert "on-the-fence" buyers who are ALMOST there by making a strong last appeal!

With over 100 templates, you pretty much have an entire sales page copy bank at your disposal!

A Sneak Preview Of Some Of The Templates You'll Get...

Template Set #1: 31 Winning Sales Page Headline Templates To Grab Their Attention

Template Set #3: 5 Stir Their Desire Templates To Hit Deep Emotional Buttons

Template Set 6: 5 "Secret Sauce" Templates To Differentiate Your Offer & Stand Out

Template Set 10: 5 Money-Back Guarantee Templates To Reverse Buying Risk

... & many more not shown here!

Inside The Sales Page Backpack, You Get Access To Over 100 Fill-In-The-Blank Sales Page Templates That Include...

31 Winning Sales Page Headline Templates... To immediately grab attention when prospects arrive.

6 Problem Agitation Templates... Show them how your offer will make their life better as people pay to solve problems.

5 "Stir Their Desire" Templates... Push the deep emotional buttons that you must hit to get the sale.

5 Introduce Your Offer Templates... Introduce your offer & what it can do in a clear and succinct manner.

5 "What Do They Get" Templates... Walk them through the "features" of your offer without boring them. 

5 "This is for... This is not for..." Scripts... Call out to your ideal customers and reassure them that your offer was created just for them.

6 Guiding Questions To Provide Your Customers... 

So that you can get quality testimonials on-demand.

5 Money-Back Guarantee Templates... To reverse the ever-present buying risk that may stop even your hottest prospects from purchasing.

10 FAQ Question & Answer Scripts... Don't just answer questions with no strategy, get your FAQ section to SELL for you too!

5 Ask For The Sale Scripts... Don't fumble when asking for the sale. Let's ASK for the sale confidently and strategically!

10 Ideas & Scripts For Your Bonuses... Create the right bonuses and position them correctly to help you to sell even MORE.

5 "Secret Sauce" Templates... That you can use to differentiate your offer and stand out from the crowd.

A List of 10 Urgency Triggers... Access a list of all the different ways you can build urgency and motivate your prospects to buy NOW.

2 Sales Page About Me Templates... To establish expert status and build trust. Great about me sections are not really about you.

5 Closing Templates To End Your Sales Page Strong... Convert "on-the-fence" buyers who are ALMOST there by making a strong last appeal!

You may need all, you may need some... Swipe the ones you need!

A Sneak Preview Of Just Some Of The Templates You'll Be Getting...

Template Set #1: 31 Winning Sales Page Headline Templates To Grab Their Attention

Template Set #3: 5 Stir Their Desire Templates To Hit Deep Emotional Buttons

Template Set 6: 5 "Secret Sauce" Templates To Differentiate Your Offer & Stand Out

Template Set 10: 4 Money-Back Guarantee Templates To Reverse Buying Risk

... & many more not shown here!

These 100% Customizable Plug-And-Play Sales Page Templates Took Me Months To Write...

It was not easy to write templates in a way that follow proven psychological principles & conversion best practices. But they are now all available for you to access.

We've had customers print the templates out and refer to the sales page copy bank for creative inspiration as they write. 

We've had customers copy and paste the templates to literally plug-and-play into their sales pages... launching (or revamping) their sales pages in a weekend. 

We've even had customers use the templates as "bite-sized" copywriting lessons because each template is accompanied by a lesson that dives into WHY I wrote the template the way I did.

Note: There are over 100 templates for you to choose from. Don't like a particular one? Just scroll on and find something that you like!

The bottomline: With a huge majority of the work done & a whole bank of ideas + templates at your disposal... writing your sales page is now a lot easier & faster for you!

You're Going To Be Crafting Many More Sales Pages Over & Over Again As Your Business Grows...

Imagine the amount of time you would save, as compared to writing everything from scratch by yourself!

Use this Sales Page Backpack not just to spruce up your existing sales pages, but also to craft all those future sales pages that you will be creating... This is a backpack that you can use over and over again for years to come!

All the templates are "fill-in-the-blank" style... Simply copy and paste the templates... then edit them to fit your tone, writing style, & audience by answering the prompts within each template!

Gain a handy & trusty sidekick in your online business for years to come with The Sales Page Backpack.

Goodie #3 - Get Laser-Focused To The Sales Page Training School, Where I Teach You How To Craft Profitable Sales Pages That Sell, Backed By Hard Data & Personal Experiments.

The Sales Page Backpack isn't just about templates, it's also about teaching & empowering you with the skills you need to write QUALITY sales pages that sell.

You could read a ton of copywriting books, spend thousands on courses... but let's face it. You don't have the time or bandwidth for that!

Each laser-focused training directly helps you to accomplish a KEY RESULT that is 100% ESSENTIAL if you want your sales pages to convince and convert.

Consuming these will result in actual changes on your sales pages, not bog you down with more copywriting & proofreading theory that do nothing for your business except make you feel smarter.

You'll Get These Training Classes...

The best copywriting principles from books, research papers, psychologists, split-testing experiments, and years of personal experience... all distilled into these practical results-based classes to drastically improve the profitability of sales pages you write!

  • ​How to Sell Without Sounding Salesy (Student Favorite): Simple but dead effective strategies I've discovered over the years to sell on your sales page without sounding like a slimeball while STILL making the sale...

  • The Sales Page Conversion Tweak Data Lab (My Personal Favorite): I run through the 25 top tweaks that you should do on your sales page to increase the conversions of any sales page. All the tweaks recommended here are based on hard data from research studies + conversion books... as well as my own personal experience & experiments! 

  • The Skill Of Telling Stories That Sell: How to tell compelling & personable stories that sell. The art of story telling is an essential skill that online entrepreneur must master. Stories are so important, I teach you everything I know about using storytelling to grow your online business.

  • ​​Sales Mindset Mastery: Your mindset affects your sales message & results in so many ways that we can't even begin to imagine or comprehend. I cover the 7 top sales mindset blocks I've seen hinder online entrepreneurs from achieving success... how you can overcome them. Become a master of your own mind to succeed with selling online!

That's Not All! Get These Bonuses Too When You Purchase The Sales Page Backpack Today...

Bonus #1: The Private Persuasion Black Book - 50 Persuasion Tactics To Get Into Your Reader's Heads & Increase Conversions Without Them Even Knowing

Download this bonus blackbook and equip yourself with my favorite 50 tried-and-tested persuasion tactics that you can implement immediately to get into your prospects' heads and increase conversions... without them even knowing!

This is my own private compilation of persuasion tactics for me to use when I write sales pages, so only students will have access to these secrets. Use these persuasion & psychological tricks only for good purposes. These persuasion tactics are backed by science & psychologists OR from my personal experience & testing done throughout the years!

Bonus #2: The Serious Sales Page Mistakes Cheat Sheet: 45 Top Sales Page Mistakes You Must Absolutely Avoid... These Mistakes Cause Low Conversions!

Have you ever crafted a sales page... only to find that it doesn't convince & sell like you thought it would? In this bonus PDF cheat sheet, I go through 45 toxic mistakes that I regularly see my past students commit when crafting sales pages... that often result in low sales page conversions and mediocre sales.

I have compiled them all into one nifty "medic list" PDF for you to quickly identify why your sales page isn't converting and "resuscitate" your sales pages in a methodical manner when your sales pages don't convert well.

Bonus #3: The Sales Page Performance Analyzer - Interactive Sales Page Calculator To Track Sales Page Conversions & Profitability

Most online entrepreneurs create sales pages but don't properly track sales page performance. They don't have an organized system to tabulate and analyze the key numbers that impact their profitability. They don't really know what's working or not and everything is just really confusing back-end.

This interactive sales page tracker will help you to track conversions and profitability, calculate all the key sales page metrics you need within one neat dashboard, conduct a week-by-week performance analysis for you, and helps you to easily understand how your sales pages are actually doing.

Simply enter a few numbers and the calculator will do all the dirty math work for you. You no longer have to spend hours drawing graphs or analyzing numbers to understand what's happening with your sales pages... because I've done it for you!

Don't Just Hear From Me, Hear a Fellow Happy Subscribers Toolkit Student Who Also Bought The Backpack...

I chose this testimonial to feature up here because I love her wonderful energy!

"...The Sales Page Backpack has taken all the work out of everything for me. So much stress has just been relieved because these (templates) have already been created... I don't even have to overcome writer's block! 

The great thing about the backpack is that it has it all laid out... everything is templated out, all you have to do is plug in your own sales information and you have a high-converting sales page almost instantly.

I was able to create high-converting sales copy so much faster, saving me time and earning me more money. The information is so so easy to understand, and with the use of Raelyn's tools, I was able to gain so much more confidence in my ability to convince and to sell because I know exactly what to say.

The system totally revolutionzed my business in terms of how I create my sales page, helping me to communicate my solutions so much more effectively. Having the backpack has made my life so much easier, and a lot less stressful. I have a lot on my plate and my mind is often overcrowded, so having these done-for-you templates is just amazing. I no longer have to be a great writer, because the great writing has already been done.

The Sales Page Backpack is power-packed with so much value, it is a no-brainer... With this system, it's like having someone beside you guide you every step of the way. If you want to increase your revenue, grow your business, and help more people, The Sales Page Backpack is what you need!" 

- Lisa Carroll, Founder of The Keto Revolution, www.ketorevolution.org

Claim Your Limited-Time Offer: Get The Sales Page Backpack Before The Price Increases Yet Again.

$197 today

Hear From Some Backpack Students!

Almost all of them are Happy Subscribers Toolkit students like yourself as well.

"I love The Sales Page Backpack! By page 7 of the backpack, I had to go to my site and make changes immediately.

You share the theory, you share the reasoning behind it, but then you give us real-life examples too! I got to see it in action, and you broke it down, and I saw how it made sense. You also gave us scripts in the backpack, so that we could go ahead and employ similar concepts for ourselves!

Not only was I able to tweak my existing sales pages, I went in and confidently created a brand new sales page for a new membership site in just a weekend. And I did it with all the help from the backpack. So thank you so much for this amazing product!

- Rebecca Morgan, Career & Leadership Expert, chooseawesomecoaching.com

"....My sales page was really stressing me out and I felt like my whole launch was going at a snail's pace. I had no idea where to start with a sales page. 

Raelyn's explanations of why you should or shouldn't write something in your content really speaks to the nuances of marketing & the psychology of why a person would or would not make a purchase from you. I was expecting just templates, not education... but I got both!

Raelyn's writing style is so clean and so precise, and all of the templates just seem like they would be so easily to personalize... for any business! 

I am also really impressed with Raelyn's knowledge. You can see the amount of research that she puts into The Sales Page Backpack, like bonus material that offers nuggets of information from gurus like Robert Cialdini, whose book I really love. With The Sales Page Backpack, I am actually so excited to move forward with my sales page, rather than dreading it like I used to... this is huge! 

- Marilyn Abrahamsom Certified Cognitive Career Coach, + Course Creator of Brainworks Academy, marilynabrahamson.com

"Previously when I opened my laptop and tried to write a sales page, there was frustration with knowing exactly what to say and what to best convey it in order to actually get those conversions.

Raelyn really sums up what makes up an effective sales page, and that is so helpful. There are plug-and-play templates included as well, which has made the writing process so much smoother. I am so thankful that I got this course and I would highly recommend anyone who is considering doing so."

- Leah Matthews, Online Dance Studio, studiogodance.com 

"What I really liked about The Sales Page Backpack program were the different prompts and scripts that helped me dig a little deeper to describe & flush out what I offer in a way so that it stands out from other offers that are very similar to mine! Before taking this course, I felt like I did not have enough sales points to describe exactly what it is that I offer.

After taking this course and learning how to understand the psychological aspects of why people purchase things and what makes them buy, I feel a lot more comfortable about asking for the sale. I am no longer concerned about being salesy.

The Sales Page Backpack has definitely made a difference not only in my business, but also in my life. I feel more confident about writing my copy, putting my offer out there into the world, and helping people in a way that I know I can help them.

- Marisa Mack, Personal Trainer & Creator of The Perfect 10 Cleanse

"I used these templates for one of my sales pages, I just wanted to tell you how much work & time The Sales Page Backpack has saved me, it just really simplified things.

The backpack is so simple to use, and it's really easy to tweak and make it fit your business & your brand. It can really work for any kind of sales page! 

The Sales Page Backpack allows me to pop in simple things to change the templates to make it relevant to my business. I just have to copy and paste. I love those kind of things, because it saves me time and I'm not a copywriter.

Before, I was kind of stuck. I had a sales page I was trying to finish and was wondering what to write. I have written lots of sales pages before and I just struggled always trying to figure out what the formula was. Raelyn has a lot of choices (templates) for us to choose from and it was really seamless and easy to use."

- Camille Lindquist, Photography & Marketing Expert, uprootedlife.com

Fun, Easy Breezy, And Most Importantly... Proven & Profitable

 The Sales Page Backpack is fun, breezy, and easy to use! Well... as fun as writing sales pages can possibly get. 

And what can possibly be easier & faster than starting each sales page with proven sales copy wireframes and scripts?

Of course, you will still need to put in work and make additions & edits (it's your offer & business after all!) to get your sales page up... but we've made the process SO much easier...

Any easier, and I'll have to write it for you!

The Sales Page Backpack Was Created For...


With ebooks & courses becoming much more common now, you need to build trust + show how you're adding insane value. Whether your digital product is $20 or $2000, an amazing sales page is KEY...

Coaches & Consultants: 

You want people to book free calls, but time is money. Just because you're offering a free call doesn't mean people will take it. You need a convincing work with me page that helps you to market your coaching.

Service Providers: 

As services are largely intangible, your sales page becomes very important to convey the exact value that you can bring to the table! Create sales pages that turn your website browsers into $$$ clients.

Physical Product Owners:

Most ecom owners have really bad product pages. People don't just buy because of your product specs. Be the top 1% of your industry by actually having great product pages that MOVE people towards the sale.

The Sales Page Backpack Was Created For...


With ebooks & courses becoming much more common now, you need to build trust + show how you're adding insane value. Whether your digital product is $20 or $2000, an amazing sales page is KEY...

Coaches & Consultants: 

You want people to book free calls, but time is money. Just because you're offering a free call doesn't mean people will take it. You need a convincing work with me page that helps you to market your coaching.

Service Providers: 

As services are largely intangible, your sales page becomes very important to convey the exact value that you can bring to the table! Create sales pages that turn your website browsers into $$$ clients.

Physical Product Owners:

Most ecom owners have really bad product pages. People don't just buy because of your product specs. Be the top 1% of your industry by actually having great product pages that MOVE people towards the sale.

I Answer Some of Your Biggest Questions...

Is it really possible to write sales pages without wasting weeks of my life?

Yup, you get the best possible starting point with all the blueprints and scripts in the backpack. Oh... and because copying and pasting fill-in-the-blank scripts and filling them up + editing them is significantly faster than starting from a completely blank slate.

Does this work for my business?

Yes, the templates are fill-in-the-blank style so you can personalize it to fit your specific niche. Think of it as a frame for your sales page, with prompts to tell you where you should add in your own unique flavor. 

If you're selling online, you need this. We've had real estate, photographers, travel businesses, lawyers, crafts, personal development, home organization, design, marketing, business, therapists, finance, health & wellness, food, beauty & fashion, spirituality, accounting, and the list goes on and on. I even have someone trying to help the world get rid of porn. 

The backpack works if you use it. :)

I'm just starting out & got nothing to sell. Is this suitable for me?

If you're intending to sell something in the future, then yes! Starting from the right foundation is always the best. You don't have to go in and untangle crazy messes. It's painful deleting bad sales pages when you've wasted so much time on them and have become so attached.

Remember, you do need to get a sales page up ASAP if you want an online business... otherwise no sales = no business! This sales page backpack will help with just that with structure, scripts, trainings, and more.

What is the quality of these sales copy templates like?

Firstly, there are a ton of samples above that you can check out!

Please also check out all the testimonials on this page. We've had many happy customers.

I have multiple years of selling all kinds of stuff online, I've been blogging for the last 10 years, I also have a first-class honors marketing degree. My best sales page converts at 10% (used to be 15% but due to ad fatigue it dropped) to ice-cold traffic - which is insane, by the way. Not too sure how else to convince you, but at some point, you have to take a leap of faith!

I've also analyzed so many best-selling ads by the best copywriters alive... since direct response marketing first started. People like Eugene Schwartz and Gary Halbert.There are also over 100 templates you can pick and use, you are bound to find something you like. 

Last but not least, I also have a 30-day money-back guarantee. It's risk-free for you.

I'm scared of writing sales pages that sound salesy. What do I do?

There's a training just for that inside The Sales Page Backpack! 

You'll like the "How to Sell Without Sounding Salesy" training, where I go through simple but dead effective strategies (that I've discovered over the years) to sell without sounding like a slimeball... while still making the sale!

Who Is Behind The Sales Page Backpack?

Hey, I'm Raelyn Tan! 

  • Traffic and list building strategist at raelyntan.com

  • ​Blogging for 10 years (3+ years on this current biz)

  • ​First-class honors marketing degree

  • ​Social media following of over 60k+ entrepreneurs

  • ​I work full-time from home online since 2017

  • ​0 to 1K subscribers in 4 months, over 20K subscribers now

  • ​Over 200 students in my signature traffic and list building course, Traffic Subscribers Yours 

Some fun facts: I am a Christian and the eldest daughter of 3 children. I love traveling - I especially love scenic road trips, or traveling to Japan to eat sushi there! I drink one coffee a day to keep the blues away. You would probably find me reading a good book at a nearby cafe!

More About Me... Hello, I'm Raelyn Tan!

  • Profitable visibility strategist for online entrepreneurs at raelyntan.com

  • ​Blogging for 10 years (~3 years on this current biz)

  • ​​First-class honors marketing degree

  • ​0 to 1K subscribers in 4 months, over 20K subscribers now

  • ​Social media following of over 60k+ entrepreneurs

  • ​I work online full-time from home since 2017

  • ​Over 500 students in various online courses and coaching clients since 2017 

Some fun facts: I am a Christian and the eldest daughter of 3 children. I love traveling - I especially love scenic road trips, or traveling to Japan to eat sushi there! I drink one coffee a day to keep the blues away. You would probably find me reading a good book at a nearby cafe!

Claim Your Limited-Time Offer: Get The Sales Page Backpack For Just $197 Today...

Finally write high-converting sales pages sweat-free... at record speed. 🚀

Once again, here's a summary of what you'll be getting:
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  • Over 100 Fill-In-The-Blank Sales Page Templates: Get access to over 100 done-for-you sales page templates that you can plug-and-play into your sales pages. Essentially, you're getting your very own sales page copy bank that you can use in your business for years to come! (VALUE: $297)

  • ​The Sales Page Training Course: Unlock step-by-step laser-focused sales page training videos, where I teach you how to craft profitable sales pages that sell, backed by hard data & years of personal experience. Learn how to sell without sounding salesy, how to infuse personality into your sales pages, master your sales mindset, and much more. (VALUE: $297)

  • Bonus #1 - The Private Persuasion Tactics Black Book: My private persuasion blackbook of 50 tried-and-tested persuasion & psychology techniques you can use to get into your reader's heads & increase sales page conversions... without them even knowing! (VALUE: $97)

  • ​Bonus #2 - The Serious Sales Page Mistakes Cheat Sheet: Have you ever crafted a sales page... only to find that it doesn't convince & sell like you thought it would? This cheat sheet contains the 45 most toxic sales page mistakes I've seen online entrepreneurs make that often lead to low sales page conversions. I have compiled them all into one nifty "medic list" PDF for you to "resuscitate" & "troubleshoot" your sales pages when it doesn't convert like it should! (VALUE: $37)

  • ​​Bonus #3 - The Sales Page Performance Analyzer: This interactive calculator will help you to track conversions and profitability, calculate all the key sales page metrics you need within one neat dashboard, conduct a week-by-week performance analysis for you, and helps you to easily understand how your sales pages are actually doing. (VALUE: $47)

Total Value: $810

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In The Sales Page Backpack, you will get access to everything you need to write high-converting sales pages for years to come... for just $197. Hop on now before I increase the price yet again!

Questions? Email me at raelyn@raelyntan.com

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